Coming off ADHD medication
Deciding to stop taking ADHD medication is a personal choice, and we’re here to support you through the process. Unlike some medications, ADHD treatments do not require tapering or phasing out. You can safely stop taking them abruptly if needed.
Key considerations when stopping ADHD medication
Symptom management: Without medication, you may notice the return of ADHD symptoms. Consider how this might affect your daily life and any strategies you can use to manage these changes.
Temporary pause vs permanent stop: Some people choose to stop medication temporarily, such as during holidays or less demanding periods. Others decide to stop permanently. Reflect on your goals and needs.
Consultation with your clinician: While you can safely stop ADHD medication without tapering, it’s a good idea to discuss your decision with your clinician. They can provide personalised advice and help you plan for life without medication if needed.
Support and resources
If you’re unsure about whether to stop taking your medication, or if you have questions about how this might impact you, you are welcome to schedule an ad-hoc appointment with one of our pharmacists to discuss your needs and options. To organise an ad-hoc medication review, please make payment via this link and a member of our Bookings team will be in touch to schedule your appointment.
Your decision should feel right for you, and we’re here to provide the guidance and information you need.