What will it feel like when I start taking ADHD medication?
When you first start taking ADHD medication, you may notice an improvement in focus, impulse control, and overall attention. However, some people may also experience side effects, such as headaches or changes in appetite. These effects typically subside as your body adjusts to the medication.
Many people report a “quietening” of their mind, where they are no longer aware of a multitude of thoughts whizzing around their brains at once. This sensation can also provide a sense of calm and control.
Each person’s experience when starting a new medication is different, and can be affected by a number of things. It’s a good idea to keep a diary of what you experience and how you feel, so that you can reference this as you adjust to your medication throughout the titration process. You may also find it useful to record the times and dose of your medication so you can keep track of what works well for you, and what doesn’t.