How much does titration and ADHD medication cost?
The cost of titration and ADHD medication varies depending on the medication type and dose, as well as whether you are using NHS-funded services (i.e. Right to Choose) or opting for private care.
NHS-funded (Right to Choose):
If you have been referred via your GP, you will not be charged for titration or any annual reviews. These services will be funded by the NHS.
The cost of your medication is also subsidised by the NHS and therefore you will only be charged the normal NHS prescription rate (currently £9.90/item), unless you are eligible for free NHS prescriptions.
Private Clients
If you pay for your medication treatment privately, the costs are as follows:
Full Titration Pathway: £499. This is the fee for 12 weeks of specialist medication initiation (titration) from our clinicians, excluding the costs of medication which is paid separately to a private pharmacy.
Cost of Medication: Varies depending on medication and dose, but on average people pay between £75-£160/month. This is a separate transaction with a private pharmacy, independent of Care ADHD. We do not make any money from this.
Annual/Ad-Hoc Medication Reviews: £140
Rescheduling of Missed Appointments: £140
Post-Titration Prescription Fee (unless you transfer to Shared Care): £20/month + the cost of your medication
Please note: We send a Shared Care Agreement to your GP as part of our titration service. This allows you to access prescriptions at the NHS rate once titration ends, even if you have gone through titration privately. Your GP will need to agree to Shared Care, so we recommend checking with your surgery first to make sure your GP is open to this. If your GP accepts the agreement, you’ll just need to see us for an annual review at a cost of £140 to make sure your prescription is still right for you. You can of course book a medication review with us more frequently than this, or on an ad-hoc basis, if required.
The current NHS prescription cost is £9.90/item, unless you are eligible for free prescriptions.
If you pay for your medication privately, please contact our partner pharmacy for more information about pricing. Their details are as follows:
Broadway Pharmacy
01772 500 424